Is the abortion pill RU-486 the only option?

Why pay for an abortion you don’t need? A positive pregnancy test does NOT always mean you are pregnant. Only an ultrasound can tell you with certainty. Plus, the FDA only approves the abortion pill for use within 70 days of your last menstrual period. You need to know for sure how far along you are. Call us today for a free consultation and ultrasound.

How Does The Abortion Pill (RU-486) Work?

The abortion pill is a two-step process involving two medications:

Mifepristone – designed to block your body’s production of the growth hormone, progesterone, which promotes the growth in a human fetus throughout pregnancy.  This pill leads to the demise of the pregnancy.

Misoprostol – induces cramping and contractions to empty the uterus. The experience is very similar to an early miscarriage.  Bleeding and cramping can continue for weeks.

The pill can cost over $500 in Illinois. The first pill, mifepristone, is taken to terminate the pregnancy.  24-48 hours later, the second pill, which eliminates the pregnancy, is taken.  It has been observed that the pill does always terminate the pregnancy, and the baby could be born alive.

The third step should include a physical exam to verify that the abortion is complete and no immediate complications exist. In 5 – 10% of cases, a surgical abortion is also needed.

The abortion pill should not be taken after 10 weeks gestational age.

Effect of Rh Factor Sensitization

The Rh factor refers to a protein that rests on the surface of blood cells, and 85% of women have it.  However, if your blood type does not carry this protein while your fetus does, failure to receive the RhoGAM shot prior to an abortion could lead your body to create antibodies against any future Rh positive pregnancy, sensitizing the woman against her own Rh positive baby in the future.  If not properly treated with a RhoGAM, this is an irreversible, dangerous condition.

What happens is this: Keeping in mind that your blood is Rh negative, and that of the fetus is Rh positive, a small amount of blood from the Rh-positive fetus may enter your bloodstream during pregnancy and particularly during the abortion procedure. Your body produces antibodies (foreign substance fighters) as a natural protection against the blood cells received from the fetus. These antibodies have no effect on your blood cells, and rarely on the blood cells of this fetus, but they stay in your bloodstream and will find their way into the bloodstream of a future fetus during your next pregnancy.

Are There Psychological Effects?

Be fully prepared. Julius Fogel, Psychiatrist, OB-GYN, and a pioneer of abortion rights, has performed tens of thousands of abortions. He testifies as follows:

“Every woman – whatever her age, background, or sexuality – has a trauma at destroying a pregnancy.  A level of humanness is touched. This is a part of her own life. When she destroys a pregnancy, she is destroying herself…it’s totally beside the point whether or not you think a life is there…

Often the trauma may sink into the unconscious and never surface in the woman’s lifetime, but it is not as harmless and casual an event as many in the pro-abortion crowd insist.  A psychological price is paid.  It may be alienation; it may be a pushing away from human warmth, perhaps a hardening of the maternal instinct.”¹′ ²

Our Ph.D. psychologist is ready to assist you with these concerns before and after an abortion.

When Can I Have Sex After Taking The Abortion Pill?

It is wise to wait at least two weeks before engaging in sex after inducing an abortion with RU-486.  You could become pregnant again very quickly after having a medical abortion.  Use caution.

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1. McCarthy C. Worst form of birth control hurts a woman’s psyche. The Washington Post, 28 February 1971, p. B2. [Google Scholar] [Ref list]

2. McCarthy C. The real anguish of abortions. The Washington Post, 5 February 1989, [Ref list]

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